I cried as hard as I could - Chapter 3
Yang Jinhai returned home not too late, especially seeing how Wang Kongxin hadn’t arrived either. He went inside and went past the dining room up to his own room. The room was half a mess but he didn’t want to bother with it anymore currently.
The events of the day replayed in his mind, even if he didn’t want them to. He curled up on his bed and held a pillow over his head. Yang Jinhai had to admit, he made not one, but several huge mistakes, and he owed that family probably too much than he can even afford. He could try paying them back for all his life, and he still wouldn’t have made it all up to them. Conversely, what would he even give them? Li Yuxuan’s family had wealth, authority, money, name, while he had nothing. Yang Jinhai didn’t simply want to ease the guilt within him today but with the course of events that followed, it was getting more and more unbearable.
Not to mention, feeling embarrassed was the least of his worries. Yang Jinhai sighed and looked at the unkempt room. His clothes were thrown across the floor, which reminded him of the rush this day brought only because he woke up late. His blankets and towels were haphazardly lying over the furniture as well. But Yang Jinhai snuggled into the middle of the bed even further. He could ask Wang Kongxin to help, but he thought best to leave all the work for tomorrow morning. Even if he had to make himself listen through his roommate’s honest and brutal sharp words…
Yang Jinhai checked the time. It was past the usual time Wang Kongxin would return. Yang Jinhai frowned. He at least expected for his roommate to make a decent effort to come back home early and console him…
He decided to call him finally.
“Hello? Wang Kongxin?”
“Yang Jinhai? Hurry up and get down, you brat!”
“Huh? What for?”
“I’ve been ringing the bell for a while! Did both of your ears fall off? Open the door!”
Yang Jinhai cut the call and sprinted downstairs to see what exactly was the matter. A very angry Wang Kongxin greeted him. “Why did you keep the door locked when you clearly have already arrived!”
Yang Jinhai, still confused, could only stare back at his roommate. “I don’t understand, what do you mean?”
“You just unlocked the door now didn’t you?!”
“Yes…” Yang Jinhai was sure he heard the handle click.
“Why is my question! Why did you lock it? You weren’t supposed to, today!”
“I-…” Yang Jinhai couldn’t exactly recall the reason for his actions.
“Yang Jinhai? What happened? Why aren’t you talking?”
“I don’t know… I can’t remember exactly why…”
It was true. Yang Jinhai was supposed to keep the door unlocked, at least for today. But with Wang Kongxin’s scene that just happened now, he was starting to doubt himself. “I must have forgotten…”
“Well, at least I got inside. Move over.”
At the end, they both had returned home.
Wang Kongxin placed the bag he was holding on the counter. “So, how did your little ceremony go?”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore..” Yang Jinhai looked away. This day truly wasn’t going anywhere near whatever he had planned.
“Alright, let’s talk tomorrow. Let’s both call it a day. My shoulders are killing me.”
Yang Jinhai nodded and dragged himself upstairs.Perhaps the mishaps from today had messed with his brain function, or maybe he was in a sort of trauma. Yang Jinhai gave up thinking.
He opened his door to see the room at the same untidy state as it was in before. Again he didn’t bother to sort out his belongings as he stepped over the various articles and made his way to bed. He pulled over the sheets on him and closed his eyes.
In no time, streams of tears started flowing down his face, staining the pillow underneath. Li Yuxuan…
“Well aren’t you going to greet me?”
“Ah!” Yang Jinhai sprang up with a jolt as he whipped his head all around. “WHO?!”
The room was empty.
The voice he just heard, must have been a figment of his imagination. A dream perhaps? Yang Jinhai shook his head and tried to return to sleep.
But something still didn’t feel quite right. It felt like it was Li Yuxuan’s voice…
Yang Jinhai slapped himself.
“Wake up you bird brain!”
Li Yuxuan was dead, he performed a farewell with his own hands, and yet his brain still refuses to let him go.
“Sigh, get a hold of yourself you freaking sh*tface. As if ruining his ceremony wasn’t enough, you dare long for him again?!”
It only took another few minutes of self berating before Yang Jinhai plopped on his bed again. He closed his eyes, and breathed out.
“Ungrateful, aren’t you?”
Yang Jinhai’s eyes flew open. There it was tagain! That eerie voice!
Yet, there was nothing in front of Yang Jinhai…
“What are you expecting you fool, if ghosts exist then maybe pigs will start to fly from tomorrow…”
But just in case pigs do start flying… Yang Jinhai covered himself whole with the blanket and placed a pillow to rest over his ear. A definite way to stop hearing things, and should help with knowing if he was hallucinating or not.
It was quite calm while being wrapped up inside. Cozy, as well. Yang Jinhai’s breathing slowly settled. But soon, he needed air.
He tried to push away the soft pillow that was sitting on his head, but he couldn’t. Thinking he might have tangled himself up, he tried to pull the parts of the blanket that were under him.
Strangely… Yang Jinhai, a grown man, couldn’t push off a single pillow from over his head…
Yang Jinhai’s heart sped up. He needed to take a breath right away, and the panic was making it even worse.
Why wasn’t this damned sheet removable?!
Yang Jinhai squeezed his eyes shut, mustered his strength, fixed his grip, and gave it his all as he gave one last tug at the blanket.
He could finally breathe again. He smiled wide as he opened his eyes to take in the fresh air.
“Be glad I didn’t let you die, you deserved it.”
From the author:
I should apologize for not having prepared a synopsis yet, which I confess I don’t know if I can even make…ANYWAYS, MOVING ON! I hope you’re finding this novel enjoyable, as much distress as it is causing me… Do share with your friends if you like it.